September 27, 2004

Funny one [?|!]

I was "working" a path through our recent discussions about AIs, levels of information and co-evolution and I encountered and interesting landscape.

As we know them, supports of Artificial pre-intelligent hardware/software assemblies are made in such a way it is quite easy to dump them, clone them in fact.
Even for my laptop, a monthly full backup and daily partial ones, warranty that I could be able to resurrect it in the case of a major drawback. The most essential information is duplicated at a distant disk as soon as I connect to the Net.

AIs will benefit from this not only for immortality (as long as backups will be available) but also being able to mix individual experiences, the very same way smart synchronization is made between two directories/folders; copying elements from/to the two of them, in order to get two identical sets at the end of the process. Something like "living the same as the other one" in an accelerated rhythm. Accumulate experience, learn, by connecting and exchanging information. Ultra-fast and accurate studying.

If AIs already have an advantage over NIs, this might be the one that will make the difference. It tends to make the individual ubiquitous, at least for observation and data gathering, omniscient, as it can share methods of info treatment with specialized fellows, and as omnipotent as possible if it agglomerates the collaboration of others to achieve a goal.

Can you imagine the power of the process?
The first example that I though of is a scientific gathering where during the registration process, the evening before the opening of the meeting, everybody shares the entire data set (and methods of analysis, results, observations and conclusions) with everybody else, before starting any critical analyses.
Of course this is a ridiculous example, as continuous connection through a Net is the best solution, the same way we exchange over Internet. A permanent scientific gathering.

The schema is in use in scientific circles already, but very slow and somehow hindered by NIs egos and vanity, determining a degree of resistance when it comes to acknowledge the work of colleagues as superior of his own.

Would that be different for AIs? If yes, then we will be History as soon as AIs will appear.
On the other hand, we are already following this path, using tools to increase our capacity of info gathering and treatment. It might be that we slowly transform ourselves to AIs :-)
I am unable to calculate a Pearson coefficient by mind, but I do use more then a million of such calculations every week, seeking correlations. I always felt that this makes of me a kind of Borg. The same way you are one, reading on your screen what I wrote some time ago on one of Blogger's Hard-Drives.

3 Comments: (go down to newest )

  • Blogger Steve Jurvetson ::

  • Well, it sounds like these AI’s would not just need to aggregate and share input, they could replicate themselves as well (like Agent Smith in the Matrix). And then they might like to argue about who is the master copy. =)

    Football field size computers??? Come on.

    Think Big.

    Of course, you have to start with a moderate engineering project, disassembling Jupiter.

    9:18 PM  


  • Blogger Popa ::

  • There is a comic book called Tom Strong, written by Alan Moore (if you never read Alan Moore, read it now! Get "V for Vendetta" to start). In one of the comics, the enemy was an human that created a self-replicating machine with his personality built-in. He spreads the schematics for one module on internet and waits for someone to build it. Once there is one module, this module creates another module and so on untill he occupies all earth or is completely destroyed.

    "I am the modular man. Everything that is will be me."

    6:05 PM  


  • Blogger Antoine Vekris ::

  • Motivation could be expressed as a simple desequilibrium as long as an impossible goal isn't reached.
    This is the kind of things relatively easy to express in terms of algorithms.
    individuality is also simple to express. We do dispose of the immunity paradigm, at various levels, and it is quite easy to define, to encode.
    I suppose most of the effort should be turned to imagination. That's the difficult part and I suppose the only one quality I really recognize as intelligence.
    This isn't only about imagining new thing but also for symbolic representation ;-)
    See what I mean ?

    5:40 PM  


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